Q. Bar keel

Q. Freeboard

Q. Tpc

Q. Fresh water to sea water draught will change ? Why?

Q. Ism

Q. Objective

Q. Process for reporting accident


Q. E/r what all fire fighting equipment are present?

Q. Hypermist working and regulations why hypermist if co2 is already there

Q. Sprinkler where is it used

Q. What is metacentric height and meta center

Q. Angle of lol

Q. Free surface effects and methods..

Q. Marpol and annex

Q. Solas and chapter 9 in detail

Q. Freeboard

Q. How containers were arranged on your vessel. What is teu.

Q. Cargo hold fire fighting arrangement. How to activate. Complete explanation. How co2 bottles calculated?

Q. What is annex 5? What all things you can discharge and how is discharge done. What is colour coding in it.( meaning of yellow, red and green colour).

Q. Bulbous bow and it’s effects.

Q. Lrit and it’s working.

Q. Annex 4 discharge criteria

Q. Equipment in lifeboat

Q. Hypermist system full

Q. What other system on ship

Q. Difference between psc and fsc

Q. Documents onboard ship

Q. All certificates onboard

Q. Explain IOPP

Q. Explain SSAS

Q. Annex 1 discharge criteria

Q. Safeties on davit 154. Speed of lowering life boat

Q. Iopp & what is written in that.. Suppliments of iopp

Q. While entering pump room what all safety precautions you take, what o2 analyzer tells, which all gases..

Q. Describe ig system

Q. Safeties and alarms in ig

Q. Difference between pc vv and pv breaker

Q. Distress signaling equipment, and which on bridge

Q. Deadweight

Q. Checks in SCABA how performed

Q. Sheer strake

Q. Gardboard strake

Q. Eedi, seemp, eeoi explain

Q. Engine room flooding what your action and cross questions

Q. Fire wallet

Q. Ism code purpose, adopted and date of entry 170. Tpc. Unit for tpc

Q. Roles and responsibilities of DPA

Q. Fire fighting for deck on LNG tanker. Explain

Q. Certificate under ism

Q. How annex 1 is complied onboard

Q. Annex 6 discharge standards. Marpol annex names

Q. Annex 6 pollutants


Q. How ozone is depleted

Q. Bar keel

Q. Freeboard

Q. Tpc

Q. Fresh water to sea water draught will change ? Why?

Q. Ism objective

Q. Process for reporting accident

Q. Sms

Q. E/r what all fire fighting equipment are present?

Q. Hypermist working and regulations why hypermist if co2 is already there

Q. Sprinkler where is it used

Q. Ism code

Q. ISPS code


Q. Marpol annex 1 discharge criteria

Q. Enclosed space definition


Q. Free surface effect ? How can we correct it ?

Q. Dcp extinguisher


Q. Type of ship sailed.

Q. What are the regulations for steering gear in tankers.

Q. Damage stability for tankers.

Q. MLC titles.

Q. Elements of ism.

Q. Difference between non conformity and observation.

Q. Annex vi: green house gases regulations, latest amendment

Q. Ism code

Q. Isps code


Q. Marpol annex 1 discharge criteria

Q. Enclosed space definition

Q. Free surface effect ? How can we correct it ?

Q. Dcp extinguisher (something related to performance.. Can’t recollect the question)


Q. Marpol annex names

Q. Annex 6 pollutants


Q. How ozone is depleted

Q. Bar keel

Q. Freeboard

Q. Tpc

Q. Fresh water to sea water draught will change ? Why?

Q. Ism

Q. Objective

Q. Process for reporting accident


Q. E/r what all fire fighting equipment are present?

Q. Hypermist working and regulations why hypermist if co2 is already there

Q. Sprinkler where is it used

Q. Ism code purpose, adopted and date of entry

Q. Tpc. Value of tpc if ship goes from sw to fw. Unit for tpc

Q. Roles and responsibilities of dpa

Q. Fire fighting for deck on LNG tanker. Explain

Q. Certificate under ism

Q. How annex 1 is complied onboard

Q. Annex 6 discharge standards.

Q. Sheer strake

Q. Gardboard strake

Q. Engine room flooding what your action and cross questions

Q. Fire wallet

Q. Describe ig system

Q. Safeties and alarms in ig

Q. Difference between pc vv and pv breaker

Q. Distress signaling equipment, and which on bridge

Q. Deadweight

Q. Checks in scaba how performed

Q. Annex 4 discharge criteria

Q. Equipment in lifeboat

Q. Hypermist system full

Q. What other system on ship

Q. Difference between psc and fsc