1. Fuel oil purifier feed pump breaker faulty


Breaker is tripping. It is not holding at ON position.

Remedial Actions:

Operate the system with the standby pump. Isolate the faulty breaker & change with new one.

2. Fuel oil purifier feed pump over current trip


Pump is drawing high current & over current relay is tripping the breaker.

Remedial Actions:

Isolate the pump and rotate the shaft by hand. Check for possible reason of tight rotation. Check the electrical circuit for any possible fault.

3. Fuel oil purifier feed pump suction filter choke


Suction pressure will come down and in fully choke condition it can show vacuum also. Pump will not build any pressure.

Remedial Actions:

Clean the filter. Check the suction line.

4. Fuel oil purifier feed pump worn out


Pump is not building any pressure. Flow to purifier will reduce.

Remedial Actions:

Overhaul the pump.

5. Fuel oil purifier breaker faulty


Breaker is tripping. It is not holding at ON position.

Remedial Actions:

Do the purification through another purifier. Isolate the faulty breaker and change with new one.

6. Fuel oil purifier heater surface is dirty


Heater efficiency will drop. User has to increase temperature setting to get desired temperature Low temperature alarm. Purifier feed will stop.

Remedial Actions:

  • Check the steam line and pressure.
  • Check the steam controller.
  • Clean the heater.

7. Fuel oil purifier Desludge auto controller failure


Purifier will not desludge on auto mode. Solenoid valves are malfunctioning.

Remedial Actions:

  • Desludge purifier on manual mode.
  • Overhaul solenoid valves.

8. Fuel oil purifier bowl is dirty


  • Fluctuation in rpm. So in amperage Backpressure will be high.
  • Purifier cannot be desludged.
  • It can cause Oil ingress in the water side.

Remedial Actions:

Stop the purifier. Open & clean the purifier.

9. Fuel oil purifier friction pads worn out


While starting purifier will not be able to gain its maximum speed. Amperage will not go up. On giving feed oil will overflow. While running amperage will come down. If operating water is ON it will overflow to the sludge tank.

Remedial Actions:

Stop the purifier & inspect the friction pad.

10. Fuel oil purifier over current trip


Purifier is drawing high current & over current relay is tripping the breaker.

Remedial Actions:

Isolate the purifier and rotate the shaft by hand. Check for possible reason of tight rotation. Check the electrical circuit for any possible fault.