1.Main air compressor breaker faulty


Breaker is tripping. It is not holding at ON position.

Remedial Actions:

Fill up the air bottle with another air compressor. Isolate the faulty breaker & change with new one.

2. Main air compressor outlet temperature high


High air outlet temperature alarm. Compressor will trip on high temperature.

Remedial Actions:

Check the J.C.W. line & valves setting. Check the seawater flow through the cooler. Check the attached fresh water pump.

3. Main air compressor low lube oil pressure


Low lube oil pressure alarm. Compressor will trip on low low pressure.

Remedial Actions:

Check the lube oil sump level. Check the sensor. Check the attached pump.

4. Main air compressor first stage suction valve leaky


Running amperage will come down. Air bottle filling rate will reduce. First stage air pressure will reduce & fluctuate at less value.

Remedial Actions:

Overhaul the valve. Check the first stage piston rings condition.

5. Main air compressor first stage discharge valve leaky


Running amperage will be normal. Air filling rate will reduce.  First stage air pressure will fluctuate across the normal value.

Remedial Actions:

Overhaul the valve. Check the first stage piston rings condition.

6. Main air compressor over current trip


Compressor amperage is going high & tripping.

Remedial Actions:

Check the compressor easy rotation. Check the over current trip relay function.

7. Main air compressor first stage disc valve choke or not opening/wrongly fitted


Running amperage will fluctuate. First stage air pressure will increase & relief valve will lift. First stage air pressure will fluctuate at the relief valve setting (5 kg). Second stage air pressure will show zero reading. Air filling rate will be zero.

Remedial Actions:

Overhaul first stage discharge valve.

8. Main air compressor second stage suction valve leaky


Running amperage will remain same but will fluctuate. Air filling rate will reduce. First stage air pressure will increase. Second stage air pressure will be normal and will fluctuate at normal value.

Remedial Actions:

Overhaul the valve. Check the second stage piston rings condition.

9. Main air compressor second stage discharge valve leaky


Running amperage will remain same but will fluctuate. Air filling rate will reduce. Second stage air pressure will be normal and will fluctuate at normal value.

Remedial Actions:

Overhaul the valve. Check the second stage piston rings condition.

10. Main air compressor second  stage disc valve choke or not opening/wrongly fitted


Running amperage will increase. Second stage air pressure will increase and relief valve will lift. Second stage air pressure will fluctuate at the relief valve setting (31 kg). First stage air pressure will fluctuate at the normal value. Air filling rate will be zero.

Remedial Actions:

Overhaul second stage discharge valve.